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Master the Art of Textual Signals at Adult Sex Hookup Sites

What if I told you that everything about you reflects your character? You probably would laugh. You probably would roll your eyes. You might even be shocked. The truth is, the way you dress, how you sign your name, how you choose to pay, your thought processes, the way you walk, everything that is observable, both from the inside and the outside, is a reflection of your character. Even more so for adults searching for sex hookups.

This should not be a surprise. Your character, after all, is the culmination point of all your choices. To borrow an often beaten up quote ascribed to ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius: If you sow a thought, you reap a word. If you sow a word, you reap an action. If you sow an action, you reap a habit. If you sow a habit, you reap a character. If you sow a character, you reap a destiny.

In other words, our thoughts lead to our destiny. It’s easy to choose your thoughts. You’re doing it right now. You’re definitely well within your rights to dismiss what I’m saying. That is an exercise of your choice. You have the power of choice right now about how you choose to think about these words on the screen.

Now, destiny, on the other hand, is something that most of us think is handed to us by fate. It’s just something that happens. Well, this Confucius quote, regardless of whether Confucius actually said it or not, is right on. Because our destiny really is the culmination point of all our previous choices.

Now, it’s important to understand this because you are always in charge of how you choose to communicate. You’re always in charge of how you choose to think. And that’s why you need to use this power of decision and free will to work for you instead of against you when it comes to adult sex hookup sites.

At a typical adult sex hookup website, you’re always sending out signals through your profile. You’re always sending out signals through your correspondence. Choose your words carefully because they say volumes about who you are, who you think you are, where you’d like to go, where you are, and your overall value as a person.

The worst part to all of this is that most people are completely clueless that this is happening. There they are, trying to impress other people, but the only thing that they’re managing to do is to look like a fucking complete clown. Don’t let that happen to you. If it has happened to you one too many times, take heart from the fact that you can choose to do things differently.

You have a lot more power over your life than you give yourself credit for. So regardless of whether you’re getting pussy all day, every day or you’re just sitting at home jerking off, understand that the power is in your hands. Change the signals that you send out through the text that you put up online and you will get better results, regardless of what you do.